3.2.1 Commercial parts. Commercial parts
3.4 Interchangeability. All parts having
having suitable properties may be used
the same manufacturer's part number shall
where. on the date of invitation for bids.
be functionally and dimensionally inter-
there are no suitable standard parts. In any
changeable. Where changes are required in
case, commercial utility parts such as screws,
the contractor's drawings, such changes shall
bolts, nuts, and cotter pins having suitable
be governed by the applicable portions of
properties may be used provided:
(a) They can be replaced by the stand-
3.5 Identification of product. Equipment,
ard parts (MS or AN ) without
assemblies, and parts shall be marked for
identification in accordance with MIHTD-
(b) The corresponding standard part
numbers are referenced in the
3.6 Workmanship. The maintenance plat-
parts list and, if practical, on the
form, including all parts and accessories,
contractor's drawings.
shall be fabricated and finished in a work-
manlike manner. Particular attention shall
3.2.2 Standard parts. With the exception
be given to:
specified in 3.2.1, MS and AN standard parts
shall be used where they suit the purpose.
(a) Freedom from blemishes. defects,
They shall be identified on the drawings by
burrs, and sharp edges.
their part numbers.
(b) Accuracy of dimensions, radii of
3.3 Performance.
fillets, and marking of parts and
3.3.1 Lifting capacity. The maintenance
platform shall be capable of lifting a static
(c) Thoroughness of welding, brazing,
load of 1,500 pounds placed at or near the
painting, and riveting, and
center of the platform, from its retractable
(d) Alignment of parts and tightness
height of 3 feet ±6 inches to an extended
of assembly screws and bolts,
height of at least 10 feet, The maintenance
et cetera.
platform shall be capable of raising and low-
ering this load through its complete range of
3.6.1 Riveting. Riveting operations shall
be carefully performed to insure tightness
and satisfactory heading of rivets. Surfaces
3.3.2 Weight-holding capacity. The main-
to be riveted shall be painted with primer
tenance platform shall be capable of holding
zinc-chromate conforming to MIL-P-8585
a minimum load of 1,500 pounds at any in-
prior to assembly. Rivet heads when not
termediate level between 3 and 10 feet for 1
countersunk or flattened shall be of but-
hour without settling of the piston more
tonhead shape and of uniform size for the
than 0.02 inch per hour.
same diameter of rivet.
3.3.3 Step capacity. Each step of the main-
tenance platform shall be capable of support-
3.6.2 Cleaning. The maintenance platform
shall be thoroughly cleaned and loose, spat-
ing a minimum load of 400 pounds at or near
the center of the step. The deflect-ion caused
tered, or excess weld; metal chips; and other
foreign material removed during and after
by the load shall not exceed ¼ inch at the
final assembly.
point of maximum deflection. There shall be
no permanent deflection or deformation of
the step when the load is removed.
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A Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business