MIL-M-5777C Individual tests may continue. For
4.1 Unless otherwise specified herein, the
supplier is responsible for the performance
operational reasons, individual tests may be
of all inspection requirements prior to sub-
continued pending the investigation of a
mission for Government inspection and ac-
sampling test failure. Final acceptance of
ceptance. Except as otherwise specified, the
maintenance platforms on hand or produced
supplier may utilize his own facilities or
later shall not be made until it is determined
any commercial laboratory acceptable to the
that the maintenance platforms meet all the
Government. Inspection records of the ex-
requirements of the specification
aminations and tests shall be kept complete
and available to the Government as speci-
4.2.3 Defects in maintenance platforms
fied in the contract or order.
already accepted. The investigation of a test
failure could indicate that defects may exist
4.2 Classification of tests. The inspection
in maintenance platforms already accepted.
and testing of the maintenance platform
If so, the contractor shall fully advise the
shall be classified as acceptance tests.
procuring activity of all defects likely to he
found and methods of correcting them.
4.3 Acceptance tests. The acceptance tests
shall consist of the following tests:
4.4 Ted methods.
(a) Individual test.
4.4.1 Examination of product. The main-
tenance platform shall be inspected to de-
termine compliance with the requirements
specified herein and on the drawings with
respect to materials, workmanship. dimen-
sions, finishes. and markings. The mainten-
ance platform shall be inspected for opera-
4.3.2 Sa mpling plan and tests. Mainten-
tion of controls and locking devices.
ance platforms shall be subjected to the fol-
lowing tests until 10 maintenance platforms
4.4.2 Plat form static load test. The main-
in succession have been accepted. There-
tenance platform shall be completely assem-
after, one maintenance platform selected at
bled and loaded with a static load of 1,500
random from each thirty produced shall be
pounds at or near the center of the plat-
assembled, loaded, and inspected until a
form. The maintenance platform shall then
maintenance platform is rejected, at which
be operated through its entire range twice.
time the inspection sequence shall be re-
The load shall then be removed and the
maintenance platform operated through its
entire range twice. There shall be no leak-
(a) Platform static load test (see 4.4.2).
age of hydraulic fluid, elongation of bolt-
(b) Load holding test (see 4.4.3).
holes, or failures of welding, material, or
workmanship as a result of this test.
(c) Step weight test (see 4.4.4).
4.3,2.1 Rejection and retest. When one
4.4.3 Load holding test. With the load
maintenance platform selected from a pro-
applied as specified in 4.4.2, the mainten-
duction run fails to meet the specification,
ance platform shall be left at the 7-foot
level for 1 hour without the locking device
maintenance platforms still on hand or later
produced shall not be accepted until the ex-
in use. The rate of settling of the piston
tent and cause of failure are determined.
shall not exceed 0.02 inch per hour.
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